The new style


By Milada D

By Apr 20/2017


  1. Comment

    The red of the balconies offers contrast to the beige of the building.


    There is geometry in the image, but to me it's not a composition about geometric shapes -- it's more about architectural lines (to be fair, there are rectangles of windows, but they are not the driving strength of the image).

    I find the trees  to be a distraction in this case. They are not interesting enough to provide a contrasting foreground element. The image would be stronger with just the balconies and building since that contrast is the strongest aspect of this image (to me).

  2. Comment

    A nice use of architecture to interpret the theme. Good use of repeating pattern in the composition. Very nice control of perspective; perfect verticals and horizontals, which are important for this image.  The red adds energy.  Well done ... Nancy


    This image works because of its simplicity.  A tiny crop at the bottome to remove the little distracting bits at the edge would enhance that simplicity.  As it is a very graphic image, some "pop" would be appropriate.  A touch more brightness and contrast add some energy, as would a touch of saturation and brightness to the red.