Darkish Pumpkin Farm


By Tim S

By Oct 22/2017


  1. Comment

    The pumpkins and the old tractor work very well  for subject interest.  Composition is very good. The pumpkins are focused and saturated.


    "DarkISH"?  I'm not sure that the rich colour and shadows really work with the background.  It's kind of funky but I think going about half that, so it's not so obvious, might be more effective.  Otherwise this looks like it's lit by a big spotlight.  Wait a minute ... WAS it lit by a big spotlight?  If not, you could lighten up a little on the vignetted bottom corners as well.  That black becomes a draw in itself.  I think the pumpkins can tell their own story.

  2. Comment

    The night lighting gives the haunting feeling of Halloween.  Good depth of field to capture the vista.