Welcome to the New Westminster Photography Club

We are a group of photographers keen to improve our skills through club activities and involvement with other photography enthusiasts. Our members hold a wide range of photography interests and skills, and member sharing is an ongoing aspect of the club. Our club meetings are held in New Westminster, BC on the first and third Tuesdays, from September to early June (meetings vary in December and June). Our meetings are usually held in person and occasionally using ZOOM or other platforms. Club activities include educational programs through workshops and speakers, photography outings, and a range of internal and external photography competitions as well as exhibitions in the community.

Join Us! - New members are always welcomed! For more information check out Membership Information under the About Us tab.

Please follow us on our social media channels:  

At a Glance - Upcoming Events and Deadlines

(Check our Calendar for details and to see all activities)

Current Theme –  PatternsLook for repetitive or random patterns in the world around. Whether you’re out on a walk, in the street, in a mall, a building, an office or your home, there are patterns everywhere. Sometimes they are created by nature or are man-made. Be creative with the use of colour and composition to make the most of what you find. Look also for leading lines, shadows and play with depth of field.

  • Apr 13 - Outing - Sakura Days Japan Fair at VanDusen Gardens


Our Club has an exhibit at City Hall - New Westminster: Through Our Lens.  The club’s show is now open - up on the mezzanine level, New Westminster City Hall until the end of May. You can see the show during City Hall’s regular hours of Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 4:30, and when the council has their meetings that are open to the public. In February, this will be Mondays, February 10th and 24th from 6:00 pm, until the meeting is over.

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