Structure of Geometric Symmetry


By Tim S

By May 14/2017


  1. Comment

    Well seen and captured repetition - such a great variety of shapes, textures and contrast.


    To me, the edge treatment doesn't really harmonize with the image.  I find it a distraction; if you wanted a "frame" I think a straight black border would have been better.

  2. Comment

    Love all of the visual variations in this -- at first glance the three horizontal levels look the same, but in fact have wonderfully subtle differences in shading and the central squares and rectangles within the triangles.

    Lots going on, but not cluttered, and a successful example of how visually pleasing the Rule of Thirds can be. 


    I have none; really enjoy this one!

  3. Comment

    A very effective architectural interpretation of the theme; a collection of triangle contained within a square. The monochrome treatement leaves the attention entirely on the composition and shapes, which works well.  Good tonal range.  The centred composition is perfect for this image and theme.  Nice work ... Nancy


    I've nothing to suggest.  Sorry.