

By Milada D

By Apr 20/2017


  1. Comment

    The moss(?) offers a nice organic contrast to the hard metal shapes, as does the contrast of orange and green. The square frame echos the squares seen within the subject.


    If I had been there taking this shot, I think I would have done some housekeeping on the scene and removed the twig at the top-center and the stone (ashphalt?) in the middle-left to keep the grid cleaner and simplify the composition to just metal and moss.

  2. Comment

    A terrific interpretation of the theme; squares within a square - very nice.  Lovely rich colours and complementary palette; engaging textures; contrast between natural and crafted.  A very nice image ... Nancy


    If the situation permitted, a bit more "breathing space" around the outer edges, to balance the space between the inner squares.  This would give the image a bit of ease and also imply a bit of a frame.