NWPC Galleries

Our club members enjoy capturing photographs. They also like to share. Here you can access some of the images shared by our members. Please enjoy.
Our galleries break down into 3 main areas (click the icons below to go there):

  • Outing Galleries

    Our club holds public outings, usually once a month. Everyone is invited: members and guests.

    Many of the attending members share their images from those outings. This gives our viewers a chance to see how different eyes see the same location and subject matter. Often we also capture shots of our members enjoying themselves.

  • Theme Galleries

    Our club uses "themed photography" to help members practice their creative eye.

    Each theme has a "statement" that helps guide members as top what to shoot. Most statements are open to interpretation however, and not all members will interpret the statement the same way.

    It allows us to see how each member interprets the same statement differently, and when a theme's submissions close the members vote on those images they feel best interpreted and executed the theme. The winning photograph becomes our "Photo of the Month".

    Themes are also where we ask our members to practice their judging skills and give constructive feedback to the image artists, both about the strengths of the images, but also where maybe they could have tried something different.

  • Member Galleries

    Members may also post images in their own galleries. This is not only where they show off their best work, but also perhaps images on special topics they enjoy (or an extra special vacation trip), or even "experiments" that they want to share and perhaps get feedback from other members.

    Other members can leave comments and advice on these photos, enabling members to exchange feedback outside the normal meeting times (and between all our members, we have several hundred YEARS of experience in photography, that's a lot of useful knowledge we want to share!)

  • Competition Galleries

    Our club members participate in a number of competitions during the club season. Some of these are internal for club members only and some are external (hosted by other clubs or organizations) that we select images submitted by members are our club group entry.

    Members may wish to review images that were submitted for a competition, either because they could not attend the meeting where an internal competition was held, or to see all submissions for external competitions (which are usually chosen by a judging committee). These images are a little more private and as such, these galleries can only be viewed by members when then log into their accounts on the site.

  • Actvity Galleries

    Sometimes our club has activities such as workshops or gallery exhibits where we want members to share their results (or experiences). So these galleries feature photos from those activities.